• Check out as many museums as you can, not only because they provide great insight into the fascinating British culture, but because most of them are free of charge
  • Book transportation in advance for cheaper fares than purchasing tickets the day of
  • Don’t be afraid to ask somebody for directions if you get lost; most English people are happy to help you along your way
  • Take waterproof clothing with you, even in the summer, as rainstorms are a common occurrence
  • Always line up for services; the English are famous for queuing!

Contact Numbers

Police: 999 Emergency: 999 Royal London Hospital: +44-20-7377-7000 North Manchester General Hospital: +44-161-795-4567 US Embassy, London: +44-20-7499-9000 Canadian High Commission, London: +44-20-7258-6600 Australian Embassy, London: +44-20-7379-4334 Radio Taxis Group Ltd, London: +44-20-7272-5471