Photo by: Sydsquid

Training/Practice Exercises

Most weekend trips or short getaways need little preparation; however, many take this for granted. They stress about where to go and what to bring and the entire purpose of the excursions completely negates itself. A good way to mentally get away from the city is to keep your phone off. While some may have children or family at home they need to check on, most other phone calls you receive are nothing more than a distraction. Turn it off and keep it off. Stay away from email and the internet and Blackberrys and iPhones. If you stay that connected to the work week, you may as well have just stayed home.

Physical preparations vary depending on the kind of trip you are taking. While most traveling requires little or no athletic ability, some does. Many get injured on their two or three day trips because they rush into them and don’t prepare. You should stretch your legs before hiking or skiing or you may come home with a pulled muscle or nagging pain, which is not the idea behind a short getaway.

Gear Requirements/Packing lists

Packing can be one of the most exhausting and frustrating elements of any vacation, though it shouldn’t be. While many over think their suitcases and travel bags and pack way too much, you can generally get away with a very light bag for a weekend trip. The point is to get away and forget the hustle and bustle of the work week, so getting in the right mind set is important. You have to allow yourself to getaway and to relax, which includes not over thinking your packing and stressing yourself out even more. Always remember that you can buy things when you travel. Whatever you need and many shop anyway on vacation.

What you need for a weekend getaway has more to do with the type of traveling you will be doing more than anything. Just like any trip you need to prepare by bringing every item you may need that cannot be purchased on your trip. In general you should try and pack as light as you can and leave some room to buy souvenirs. When you want to lighten your load you can ship some items home. If you need something shipped to you it is a bit more difficult, and if you need it quickly expect to pay a handsome fee.

An iPod or MP3 player can do wonders for getting your mind off things. Not only can you store your entire music collection here, but language lessons, audio books, movies, photos, files, games, and much more. Even on a short trip when you won’t have the time to finish it a book is a great idea to bring along. You can completely lose yourself in a book and let your mind drift far away from the toils of the past week. A stack of magazines isn’t a bad idea either.

Click here for Further Weekend / City Escapes Travel Information and Resources