Photo Credit: United Nations Photo

Citizens of the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other major nations are provided a 30-day tourist visa at the Thailand airport. However, be ready to give show immigration proof of onward transportation and a valid passport. For more information, visit

Health and Safety

Thailand’s larger cities are relatively safe, especially when compared to Western civilizations. Nevertheless, Bangkok, Phuket, and other destinations boasting a massive nightlife are prone to disorderly behavior. Drink in moderation, stay in a group and never get in a fight. Pickpockets exist, but are not a chronic problem and muggings and rapes are even more rare.

The drug laws are nothing to mess with and if you’re caught with even a small amount of controlled substances, the punishment can be severe. Smuggling will get you a life sentence in an unmentionable prison.

Being a tropical country, Thailand does have several nasty diseases and illnesses. Dengue fever (similar to malaria) is the most common thing tourists can pick up. Food poisoning and water contamination are also not unheard of. Diarrhea can lead to extreme dehydration. It’s always a good idea to purchase health insurance before traveling.

Beware of the heat and blazing sun in the south and on the islands. Always take the necessary precautions, including bringing protective clothing, water bottles and snacks.

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