• Rent a car to explore the realm outside of California’s major cities. The Pacific Coast Highway is best experienced with a convertible and the breeze blowing through your hair
    • Public transportation is the way to get around San Francisco and hopping on a streetcar provides the true experience
    • You will definitely need a rental car in Los Angeles because the city sprawls out in every direction. Taxis are expensive and public transportation is almost non-existent
    • San Francisco and the northern coast are chilly year-round, even in August
    • September to early December is when prices on hotels are lowest throughout the state

    Contact Numbers

    Police: 911 Emergency: 911 Good Samaritan Hospital: +1-213-977-2141 (Los Angeles) Canadian Consulate General: +1-213-346-2700 (Los Angeles) British Consulate General: +1-310-481-0031 (Los Angeles) Australian Consulate General: +1-310-229-2300 (Los Angeles) LA Yellow Cab: +1-877-733-3305

    Click here to learn about Visas and Vaccinations in California