Recommended History and Culture Vacation Books

Ancient Civilizations: World Heritage Sites by Marco Cattaneo and Jasmina Trifo
Photos, facts, and figures detail UNESCO’s world heritage sites.
Archeology Journal (
The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America has regular features, articles, book reviews and excavation reports.
Conquest of the Incas by John Hemming
A detailed history of the Conquest of the Incas in South America by the Spanish as told through historical reports and documents.
National Geographic Magazine
The most in depth studies and reports by the world’s leading scientist make this classic magazine a great read for the historian of every level. Excellent photos, maps and recreations of the ancient world and stats of research finds are just a part of what you will find.
Oxford Journal of Archaeology
Journal of European and Mediterranean archaeology from the University of Oxford.
Rick Steves’ Europe 101: History and Art for the Traveler by Rick Steves and Gene Openshaw
European travel guru puts all of European history and travel to monuments in simple terms for the traveler.
Traveller’s Guides to the Battles & Battlefields of WWII by Interlink Books
Collection of guidebooks to major battles & battlefields, memorials, sites, cemeteries of WWII.
Traveller’s History by Interlink Books
Various authors write Interlink’s series of books on the history of different countries aimed at travelers.
The White Rock by Hugh Thomson
This fascinating and well written chronicle of a British explorer’s search for lost Inca ruins and visiting others in the wilds of the Andes.

Useful History and Culture Vacation Websites


Archaeology (
Website of the Archaeological Institute of America with online features, news, reports, and blogs.
Archaeology Online (
Archaeological website and blog that details excavations, field schools, books, reviews, and where to find archaeology on the Web.
Archaeological Resource (
French-English and German-English dictionaries for archaeologists.
Earthworks (
On-line database of jobs, fieldwork, and career opportunities for archaeologists and related professions.
The Institute of Field Archaeologists (
Website with loads of information and links for archaeologists and students.
New 7 Wonders (
Homepage of the New 7 wonders contest which enabled voters around the world in 2007 to choose which seven monuments around the world would make the list.
The Smithsonian Magazine (
Articles from the Smithsonian Institution’s monthly magazine, plus Web articles, videos, blogs, and photos.
Website of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization which helps protects many of the world’s ancient and historical sites.

Latin America

South American Explorer’s Club (
Excellent non-profit organization dedicated to promoting safe and eco-friendly travel in Latin America. Loads of resources from clubhouses around the continent, trip reports, a magazine, book exchanges, and online databases and forums.


Egyptology (
Website dedicated to examining the art, archaeology, religion, and history of Egypt.


Southeast Asian Archeology Newsblog (
This comprehensive Southeast Asian Archeology site details news via blogs and features on research, studies, and digs in Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia.


European Association of Archaeologists (
Organization of European archaeologists with a journal, awards, conferences, and news.