1 - 10 of 11 total results for travel tips
Long dubbed “America’s best idea,” the centennial anniversary of the national park system pays homage to the U.S.’s most spectacular protected lands. A year-long celebration of the landscapes, recr...
Just like everything else in today's fast-paced world, the language of travel is always evolving. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the crazy host of new terms that keep cropping up like staycati...
The phrase “I’m on vacation” has long been used as an excuse to do things you would otherwise feel guilty for in your everyday life. Because let’s face it, we love living in excess and indulgence. ...
Anyone can travel abroad; it’s what you do with the experience that makes the difference. If you’re looking for a more serious commitment than a weeklong service project overseas and don’t know whe...
When most people think of Spain, sun-kissed regions like the Costa del Sol - and bustling cities like Barcelona and Madrid - immediately spring to mind. Sure, there’s plenty of fun in the sun and c...
You may plan to stay on a well-marked and well-maintained trail, but storms, trail damage or an accident can take you off path and into trouble. Knowing some basic navigation skills for hiking can ...
The best way to make your hike enjoyable is to plan ahead. On the trail, you’ll want to make smart choices and rely on yourself. Here are some smart tips that can make your trip fun.
While you’re planning for your adventure, certain creature comforts, tools and gizmos will make you more prepared to expect the unexpected. Be sure to keep handy these 13 essential items in your ba...
Packing your backpack properly will keep you comfortable as you’re hiking as well as ensure that your back doesn’t get tired. Your loaded backpack shouldn’t exceed 25 to 30 percent of your ideal bo...
One of the hottest eco-tourism destinations in the world, Costa Rica has the right to boast. This small bi-coastal country in southern Central America has over 15 different types of ecosystems, ran...