Photo Credit: SPAD, South Pacific Adventure Divers

Fiji is on everyone's list, if not for the exceptional beaches, then for the incredible scuba diving. Welcomed by the friendly locals with hails of Bula (meaning good health), Fiji’s laid-back vibe and lush jungles are only enhanced by what's found under the surface -- water teeming with marine life, including various types of sharks.

Photo Credit: Mandy

You may have heard of opportunities around the world to cage dive with sharks, but make no mistake there's no cage here. In fact, nothing stands between you and the magnificent creatures. Ocean addicts know there is a huge misunderstanding about these apex predators throughout the world, and while they can be unpredictable, they're not on the offensive. With tiger sharks and bull sharks circling mere meters away, a dip with them is an adventurous experience that will have you feeling like Jacques Cousteau in no time.

Photo Credit: SPAD, South Pacific Adventure Divers

The Experience

The Ultimate Shark Dive takes place in the waters of the Coral Coast in between both Nadi and Suva and is run by a handful of licensed, eco-conscious operators keep on protecting the marine reserve. The actual purpose of the dive is to feed the sharks blocks of tuna, attracting an array of marine life in the process. The dive itself goes down to 18m and the waters, even in winter, are warm. There will be several divers accompanying you including your instructor, but also "bouncers," professionals designed to protect you in case the sharks decide to take a rare interest in you. No need to worry though. They have perfect safety records. With your team, you’ll descend down to a coral wall to feed eight species of sharks in what's called the "bistro" area. You'll do your best to capture the experience on video and some GoPro snaps, but they never really do it justice. Focus on being present and enjoying the moment.

Photo Credit: SPAD, South Pacific Adventure Divers

How to Do It

One of the must do dives around the world, the experience costs about 300 dollars and is a two-dive excursion, beginning early in the morning around 8 am before the water gets choppy. SPAD (South Pacific Adventure Divers) is one company we recommend. To participate, you need an open water scuba certificate obtained through a reputable institution like PADI.