Photo Credit: Daniel Mennerich

When life starts to be a drag and your daily routine leaves you in a rut, it's time for a reset. A getaway that is both reflective and restorative. A retreat that is not only beautiful but spiritual. When you're ready to escape the grind, that destination is San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala. A scenic, isolated island primed for discovery, it's the perfect place to get off the grid for a couple days or weeks.

Photo Credit: Daniel Mennerich

Situated on Lake Atitlán in Guatemala, San Marcos La Laguna is a peaceful town that has become a magnet for those on a quest to find their deeper purpose. The small village is known for it's yoga workshops, meditation sessions, silent retreats, and health spas. For the hardcore yogis and mystics, take a look at El Centro de Meditacion Las Piramides, or “A Universe with More Light,” a center for spiritual study, which offers extensive courses in meditation and inner peace lasting anywhere from a day to three months.

Photo Credit: Christopher William Adach

San Marcos La Laguna has a plethora of activities for the free-spirited, but the beauty and rustic vibes of the village make it easy to reconnect with nature. With few roads in town, everything is accessible through quiet footpaths surrounded by trees and vegetation. Nestled around Lake Atitlán, the deepest lake in Central America, the water is a source for most of the local pastimes. Across Lake Atitlán sits three dormant volcanoes that pop with beauty at sunset. Hiking up to the peak is highly encouraged.