1 - 4 of 4 total results for Luxor
Aswan is a Nubian city in the south of Egypt, on the first cataract of the Nile. Here Agatha Christie wrote her murder story while she stayed in the Old Cataract Hotel. The O.C. is a stunning anach...
Imagine being 10 years old and getting to see pyramids, real mummies, mammoth statues, dusty tombs, ornate temples and bustling bazaars? Egypt is simply one big adventure playground for children an...
The land of the pyramids is often on traveller’s to-go lists. Famous sights like the Pyramids, the Sphinx, the Valley of the Kings, the Nile river and the great temple of Abu Simbel are really just...
At some point most travellers to Egypt will take in some sort of boat trip down the Nile River. What makes a journey along the Nile so interesting is that it effectively is a journey through 5000 y...